GETEC at the CTI Symposium China 2018

  Mr. Florian Stallforth, the leader Design of GETEC Getriebe Technik GmbH,  present  “Development of a DCT family –possibilities of a German-Chinese partnership” at the CTI Symposium China 2018.

GETEC Vehicle Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd has been ISO 9001 &14001 certified

GETEC Vehicle Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd passes ISO 9001&14001 audit and gets the certifications. Our clear and modern quality management system make us to provide stable and professional service for our customers. Meanwhile, we should take the social responsibility, so we always take care of our environment in our daily working. All of the stakeholders of us will benefit from…

GETEC attend Metropolitan Cities Congress

Designing Ecosystems for Innovation Metropolitan Cities conference is held in Aachen on July 19 and 20, 2018. Hundreds of audiences attend this congress, and over 40 speakers present their advanced technology related to the key theme “Designing Ecosystems for Innovation”.

GETEC EV Solution

GETEC engineering team decoded the CAN messages by own developed tool on a popular electric vehicle. With the generated dbc file (DataBase Container), the we can get the base for further drivability, power performance and energy performance benchmarking. With our years’ experience of vehicles benchmark, we can easily transfer the technology from traditional vehicle to E-vehicle. Performance Data such as…

GETEC at the AC Kolloqium Aachen (08-09.10.2018)

GETEC Getriebe Technik GmbH participate at the AC Kolloqium Aachen (Germany) and will present: “Successfully started from 0 to 100 – A High usw.“ Speech Time:09.10.2018, 14:30 08-09, 10, 2018, Hall K1 Aachen Visit us at booth 40 Program:

NVH Seminar

From 2018 provides GETEC Getriebe Technik GmbH the possibility of a NVH seminar in high quality. With our expert consultant Prof. Dr. Ing. habil. Biermann, the participants will be given an extensive insight into vehicle NVH in one week. Starting from fundamentals in acoustics, measurement and analysis techniques will be explained. The following main topic covers the root causes, transfer…

GETEC at the CTI Symposium 2017 in Berlin

GETEC Getriebe Technik GmbH participate at the CTI Symposium 2017 in Berlin (Germany) and will present: “Facing Future – eDCT Hybrid Dual Clutch Transmission“ Symposium, 1st day, Session HEV, 14:30 Program:

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